Business & Community Guides

Global Design & Publishing, LLC has helped turn our member newsletter into a high-quality magazine, and our members love it. They're easy to work with and a true partner in our mission.

Eric Anderson
Executive Director
Northeastern Economic Developers Association

Business, Nonprofit & Community Guide

"The Town of Southborough and the Economic Development Team cannot thank you enough for the outstanding job GDP did in publishing our Business, Nonprofit and Community Guide. The Board of Selectmen, CEOs, Developers, Nonprofit Leaders and Residents commented about the impressive quality of the brochure and how well it captured the unique features of our town that attract businesses and newcomers to our community. 
The photography was extraordinary, the creative layout, superb editing and use of dynamic colors made the publication enticing.  The Guide is an impressive first class publication that demonstrates GDP’s highest levels of professionalism and qualities that distinctly differentiates you above your competitors. Thank you for being so customer focused and responsive to our needs.
We wish you and members of your team continued success."
Christopher Robbins
Economic Development Team
Southborough, MA